Building-blocks logo. Incremental Development, Inc.

CV, resume, SGML consultant, XML consultant.

Charlie Halpern-Hamu

See also:

Incremental Development, Inc.
18 Victor Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 1A8
+1 772 444-2684

Leadership Skills

As Vice President, Customer Service, manages both custom software implementations and full-service offshore data conversion projects for Exegenix's clients. Also supports business development efforts.

As Vice President, Technology, helped guide the development of Exegenix data conversion software. Also provided input to marketing decisions.

As Manager, Toronto Solution Center, staffed and led Open Text's Toronto consulting group.

As Systems Integration Technical Coordinator for InfoDesign Corporation, provided technical guidance for projects run out of offices in Ottawa, Toronto and Washington. Consulting projects over eight years involved designing complete systems, allocating modules to programmers of both client and consulting companies, and managing their work.

Led team of four programmers in the design and implementation of a module for the Indiana University Computer Science Department database. Coordinated five teams during integration phase of project.

Communication Skills

Able to put computers in context: to clearly explain key business implications of technical decisions.

Worked with molecular biologists to design a 3D graphic protein-folding program. Developed smooth backbone and size/shading depth cues to allow visualization of complex protein molecules, simultaneously showing overall structure and local detail.

Worked with physically handicapped people and therapists to develop a graphical interface for controlling household robots. Invented 'Flat 3D' as a way to achieve the advantages of 3D with the simplicity of 2D. Have developed natural-language interfaces.

Technical Skills

SGML/XML consulting involves designing markup schemes for complex text databases while reengineering the corresponding business processes. The resulting database publishing systems allow multiple output media (paper, CD-ROM, Web) while simplifying editorial and publishing workflows.

Nearly twenty years structured-programming experience, including five years 2D and 3D graphic programming in C. Strong theoretical background in mathematics and computer science. Assisted with drawing layer of Microsoft Works for Macintosh.

As a result of my work with the Macintosh Toolbox and PC Smalltalk, I am practiced at developing event-driven graphical user interfaces.

My undergraduate and Master's work in programming-language design means that I am comfortable with all programming idioms, including object-oriented approaches such as C++ and Java.

Doctoral research involved the latest ideas in user-interface design and implementation. Systems integration work has involved developing systems that run on networked Unix, Windows, OS/2 and Macintosh platforms.


17 The Open Group, TOGAF 9 Certified Enterprise Architect.
94 to 01 Heriot-Watt University, Masters of Business Administration.
86 to 92 University of Toronto, Doctorate in Computer Science in conjunction with the Mechanical Engineering Department, Lyndhurst Hospital and Hugh MacMillan Medical Centre. Thesis titled 'Direct Manipulation, through Robots, by the Physically Disabled'.
84 to 86 University of Toronto, Master's thesis titled 'TXL: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for Programming Language Design'.
84 Université Laval, Programme Spécial de Français pour Non-Francophones.
81 to 84 Indiana University, Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, departmental honors program.

Publications and Presentations

12 “Case study: Quality assurance and quality control techniques in an XML data conversion project.” Presented at International Symposium on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in XML, Montréal, Canada, August 6, 2012. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in XML. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 9 (2012). doi:10.4242/BalisageVol9.Halpern-Hamu01.
12 “TCS tcs: Tata Consultancy Services trash compactor script - Design considerations in the implementation of a boil-this-corpus-down-to-a-sample-document tool.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada, August 7 - 10, 2012. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 8 (2012). doi:10.4242/BalisageVol8.Halpern-Hamu02.
01 “XML and Other Content Formats, A Comparison”, invited presentation to Marcus Evan's XML-enabled Content Management Conference in Brussels.
01 “One-day Hands-on Introduction to XML for Digital Libraries”, Canadian Digital Libraries Symposium at the Ontario Science Centre.
01 “Publishing with XML”, Information Resource Management Association of Canada.
00 “XML Tools”, Graphic Communications Association's XML 2000 in Washington DC.
99 “Stupid XSL Tricks”, Graphic Communications Association's XML'99 Conference in Philadelphia.
99 “Tutorial: Performing an XML Audit”, Graphic Communications Association's XML'99 Conference in Philadelphia.
99 “Tutorial: An OmniMark Quick Start”, Graphic Communications Association's XML'99 Conference in Philadelphia.
98 “Using an XML Audit to Move SGML Data towards XML”, Graphic Communications Association's XML'98 Conference in Chicago.
93 “Structured Text and Looseleaf”, Graphic Communications Association's SGML'93 Conference in Boston.
91 With J.R. Cordy and E. Promislow, ”TXL: A Rapid Prototyping System for Programming Language Dialects”, Computer Languages, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 97-107. (Invited paper.)
88 With J.R. Cordy and E. Promislow, “TXL: A Rapid Prototyping System for Programming Language Dialects”, 1988 International Conference on Computer Languages, pp. 280-285.
88 “Proxy: A Direct Manipulation Interface for the Control of Robots by the Disabled”, Annual Conference of the Human Factors Association of Canada, pp. 17-20.
84 With W. Clinger, “Alternative Semantics for McCarthy's amb”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 197, Seminar on Concurrency, pp. 467-478.
84 “An Implementation of 2-Lisp”, Indiana University Computer Science Technical Report #160.


15 on Advisory Consultant, TCS: Tata Consultancy Services.
08 to 14 Senior Solutions Architect, TCS: Tata Consultancy Services.
04 to 08 Vice President, Customer Service, Exegenix Research, Inc.
03 to 04 Vice President, Technology, Exegenix Research, Inc.
98 on Structured-text Consultant, Incremental Development, Inc.
96 to 97 Manager, Toronto Solution Center, Open Text Corporation.
95 to 96 Manager, Toronto Operations, InfoDesign Corporation.
94 to 95 Systems Integration Technical Coordinator, InfoDesign Corporation.
93 to 94 Senior SGML Integrator, InfoDesign Corporation.
91 to 92 Applications Programmer, InfoDesign Corporation.
90 to 91 Software Developer, Halpern Software Inc.
84 to 89 Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto: Human-Computer Interaction, Introductory Computer Science and Principles of Programming Languages.
83 to 84 Undergraduate Intern, Indiana University: teaching assistant and microcomputer help desk.
81 to 82 Research Assistant, Indiana University. Private tutor for computer science core curriculum.