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XSLT example, XSLT tutorial, XSLT paper.

Stupid XSL Tricks: Fun and Games with XSLT

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Charlie Halpern-Hamu, Ph.D.

Structured-Text Consultant
Incremental Development, Inc.

Charlie Halpern-Hamu received his doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. He is completing an MBA through Heriot-Watt University. He has published papers in the areas of denotational semantics, programming-language design tools and graphical control of robots by the disabled. He has been a been a structured-text consultant for eight years. His company, Incremental Development, Inc., helps organizations structure both text and surrounding business processes with emphasis on simplicity and skill-transfer.


This paper presents several Stupid XSL Tricks. A Stupid XSL Trick is a use of XSL for something unusual or amusing for which it wasn't necessarily designed. A better name for this paper would be Stupid XSLT Tricks, as all the examples in this paper use the transformation half of XSL, rather than the formatting-object half.

This paper is intended for an audience that, like the author, is learning XSLT and wishes do so by poking around in various less-explored corners. This is not a scientific paper that expands the boundaries of human knowledge; it is more of a tutorial that might expand the boundaries of your knowledge.

This paper presents several Stupid XSL[xsl] Tricks. A Stupid XSL Trick is a use of XSL for something unusual or amusing for which it wasn't necessarily designed. A better name for this paper would be Stupid XSLT[xslt] Tricks, as all the examples in this paper use the transformation half of XSL, rather than the formatting-object half.

Here are today's entertainments:

Transform a schema to a sample instance.

Given an XML[xml] schema, produce a sample instance that conforms to that schema.

A schema expresses, as an XML document, the possible relations between elements, attributes and data values in a class of XML documents.


The schemas in this paper may or may not be XML Schemas[xmlschema1], I make no promises.

Here is an simplified schema:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
      <element name='doc'>
          <element ref='head'/>
          <element ref='body'/>
      <element name='head'>
          <element ref='title'/>
          <element ref='date'/>
      <element name='body'>
          <element ref='para'/>
      <element name='title'>
        <archtype content='mixed'/>
      <element name='date'>
          <element name='year' type='four-digit-year'/>
          <element name='month'>
            <archtype content='mixed'/>
          <element name='day' type='integer'/>
      <element name='para'>
        <archtype content='mixed'>
          <element ref='bold'/>
          <element ref='italic'/>
      <element name='bold'>
        <archtype content='mixed'/>
      <element name='italic'>
        <archtype content='mixed'/>

I mean for this schema to correspond to the following DTD:

    <!ELEMENT doc    (head, body)>
    <!ELEMENT head   (title, date)>
    <!ELEMENT body   (para)>
    <!ELEMENT title  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT date   (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT year   (#PCDATA)> <!--Should be a four-digit-year.-->
    <!ELEMENT month  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT day    (#PCDATA)> <!--Should be an integer.-->
    <!ELEMENT para   (#PCDATA | bold | italic)*>
    <!ELEMENT bold   (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT italic (#PCDATA)>

Note that I haven't included any occurrence information: perhaps date should be optional; certainly para should be allowed more than once. This is left as an exercise to the reader, or perhaps an exercise for the author if he can find some more time.

Note also that this schema language allows to be declared locally (as year , month and day are in this example) or globally (as all the other elements are). Locally declared elements be referenced only in the same archtype element as their declaration. Locally declared elements are an interesting feature of the current XML Schema working draft, because they allow the same element name to have alternative content restrictions depending on context.

Local element declarations are less challenging from the point of view of this XSLT exercise because the nested declarations map easily to a nested sample isntance. For me, the interesting aspect of this exercise is following a chain of references to produce a consolidated, nested structure. References to local element declarations do add an interesting wrinkle, in that both the current context and the global context need to be searched for the appropriate declaration.

My goal is to write a transformation that produces the following output:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
          <year>four-digit-year [unknown type]</year>
        <para>para and <bold>bold</bold> and

This example output, like all the others in this paper, is in fact actual output generated using the appropriate stylesheet and XT (James Clark's implementation of XSLT)[xt]. At the time this paper was written, XT did not fully implement all the attributes of xsl:output . So XML declarations and indentation have been added by hand.

The following XSLT stylesheet accomplishes the desired transformation:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>


      <xsl:template match='/schema'>
        <xsl:apply-templates select='element[1]'/>

      <xsl:template match='element[@name and archtype]'>
        <xsl:element name='{@name}'>
          <xsl:apply-templates select='archtype'/>

      <xsl:template match='element[@name and @type]'>
        <xsl:element name='{@name}'>
            <xsl:when test='@type="integer"'>
              <xsl:value-of select='@type'/>
              <xsl:text> [unknown type]</xsl:text>

      <xsl:template match='archtype[@content="mixed"]'>
        <xsl:value-of select='../@name'/>
        <xsl:for-each select='*'>
          <xsl:text> and </xsl:text>
          <xsl:apply-templates select='.'/>

      <xsl:template match='archtype'>
        <xsl:apply-templates select='*'/>

      <xsl:template match='element[@ref]'>
                  | /schema/element

Here's how it works.

The first xsl:template matches the schema element just under the root of the tree. It assumes that the first element child of the schema is to be the root element of the resulting sample instance. Therefore, attention is directed, using apply-templates , to this first element child.

The second xsl:template matches an element declaration in which an element is identified by the name attribute and is defined using an archtype child. In this case, a sample element is generated using xsl:element . The contents of this generated element are determined by directing attention to the archtype that is the child of the element .

The third xsl:template handles the other way to declare an element. Rather than having a child archtype that restricts the possible subelements of the element being declared, an element can have a type attribute that determines the lexical structure of the textual content of the element being declared. In this simple example, we only handle one predefined datatype ( integer ) and throw our hands up at any other value.

Just as in the previous xsl:template , we first output a sample element using xsl:element before filling in its contents. The second and third templates could have been combined into a single template that matched based on the existence of the name attribute. The combined template could then unconditionally output a sample element before turning its attention to how to fill in the contents. At that point, it could distinguish between the two ways of defining content: the archtype child or the type attribute.

The next two xsl:template s match the two kinds of archtype s in our simplified schema language: content='mixed' and the default order='seq' . These two xsl:template s are described in the following paragraphs.


A natural next step would be to add order='choice' . Choice could be handled very much like sequence, except instead of recursing into each child, only one would be chosen. (The first child would be easiest choice.) As it is, the stylesheet assumes that if it isnt mixed content, it is a sequence. This assumption luckily works when order='choice' and maxOccurrences='*' . So this schema-to-instance stylesheet can in fact be used with the instance-to-schema stylesheet below to effect a round trip. A round trip from schema to instance and back has the predictable effect of loosening up the schema. A round trip from instance to schema and back can have the effect of 'beefing up' the sample.

The fourth xsl:template is the first of the two xsl:template s to match the archtype element. This template matches mixed content. A mixed model is transformed into a sample instance fragment by generating some sample text (chosen here to be the same as the name of the element) and iterating over each of its children, if any.

Iteration using xsl:for-each is used instead of the typical recursion using xsl:apply-templates because we want to have the opportunity to highlight the mixed content by adding the word "and" before each subelement. If we used xsl:apply-templates , the templates that matched each child of the archtype would have to check if they were in mixed content to add the "and" themselves. The xsl:for-each allows this logic to be consolidated in one place.

The fifth xsl:template is the second of the two to match the archtype element. It will only be triggered if the more specific match pattern of the preceding xsl:template fails. It is extremely easy to handle. No text is allowed in a element-content sequence, so we only need to assemble the ordered results of evaluating the archtype 's children. XSLT is purposely open about the order in which the attention will be paid to each of the children, but guarantees that the output will be strung together in the same order as the corresponding input.

The last xsl:template matches a the third kind of element , a reference to an element declared elsewhere in the schema . The distinguishing characteristic of this kind of element is that it has a ref attribute. We want to behave just as if that element declaration were defined right here where we are. So we need to redirect our attention, using xsl:apply-templates to an element whose name attribute matches the current element 's ref attribute ( [@name=current()/@ref] ). The element we seek may be in one of two places. It may be local, in which case it is a sibling, another child of our parent ( ../element ). Or it may be global, in which case it will be a top-level element, a child of schema ( /schema/element ).

Transform a sample instance to a schema.

Given a sample instance, produce an XML schema that allows that document and some similar documents without allowing everything.

This trick was done for SGML instances and DTDs by Fred [fred] and more recently for XML DTDs by SAXON DTDGenerator [dtdgenerator].

My goal is to start with a sample instance like this:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
          <para>A <bold>bold</bold> bit.</para>
         <para>First paragraph.</para>
           <para>An <italic>italic</italic> bit.</para>
         <para>Last paragraph.</para>

Note that one para contains bold and another contains italic . I'd like to collect these two clues into a single declaration that allows both subelements.

Also note that we, as humans, can guess that head must always appear before body and at the same time guess that any number of para s and note s can intermix in body . I'm not going to have the stylesheet make this guess, instead it will assume any number of subelements in any order (based on the parent-child relationships that it actually sees).

From the sample instance above, I would like to produce a schema like this:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <schema xmlns="">
      <element name="document">
        <archtype order="choice" maxOccurrence="*">
          <element ref="head"/>
          <element ref="body"/>
      <element name="head">
        <archtype order="choice" maxOccurrence="*">
          <element ref="title"/>
          <element ref="abstract"/>
      <element name="title">
        <archtype content="mixed"/>
      <element name="abstract">
        <archtype order="choice" maxOccurrence="*">
          <element ref="para"/>
      <element name="bold">
        <archtype content="mixed"/>
      <element name="body">
        <archtype order="choice" maxOccurrence="*">
          <element ref="note"/>
          <element ref="para"/>
      <element name="note">
         <archtype order="choice" maxOccurrence="*">
          <element ref="para"/>
      <element name="italic">
        <archtype content="mixed"/>
      <element name="para">
        <archtype content="mixed">
          <element ref="bold"/>
          <element ref="italic"/>

I mean for this schema to correspond to the following DTD:

    <!ELEMENT document (head | body)*>
    <!ELEMENT head     (title | abstract)*>
    <!ELEMENT title    (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT abstract (para)*>
    <!ELEMENT bold     (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT body     (note | para)*>
    <!ELEMENT note     (para)*>
    <!ELEMENT italic   (PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT para     (PCDATA | bold | italic)*>

This transformation is accomplished by the following XSLT stylesheet:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>

      <xsl:strip-space elements='*'/>


      <xsl:template match='/'>
        <xsl:element name='schema'>
          <xsl:apply-templates select='//*'/>

      <xsl:template match='*'>
        <xsl:variable name='parent' select='name()'/>
          test='0 = count(
          <xsl:element name='element'>
            <xsl:attribute name='name'>
              <xsl:value-of select='$parent'/>
            <xsl:element name='archtype'>
                  test='0 != count(
                  <xsl:attribute name='content'>mixed</xsl:attribute>
                  <xsl:attribute name='order'>choice</xsl:attribute>
                  <xsl:attribute name='maxOccurrence'>*</xsl:attribute>
              <xsl:call-template name='find-kids'>
                <xsl:with-param name='parent'

      <xsl:template name='find-kids'>
        <xsl:param name='parent'/>
        <xsl:for-each select='//*[name()=$parent]/*'>
          <xsl:variable name='child'>
            <xsl:value-of select='name()'/>
            test='0 = count(
            <xsl:element name='element'>
              <xsl:attribute name='ref'>
                <xsl:value-of select='$child'/>

Here's how it works.

The first xsl:template matches the root of the tree ( / ): one level above the root element ( document in our example input). It writes out a schema element. The "usual" next step would be to apply-templates to the children of the root (the root element). The template that matched this element would do some processing and then move on to each child of this new element, etc. Rather than taking the usual approach, the match pattern used here simply reviews all the elements in the sample instance in one go ( .//* ).

The second xsl:template reviews an element, potentially writing out an element declaration for it. Because each element may appear many times in the sample, but only one element declaration should be created, only the last example of each element type triggers the creation of an element declaration. Each input element is considered as a parent: all its children (throughout the sample) are found and listed in the element declaration created.

First, for convenience, set the variable parent to the name of the current input element. (We call the current element " parent " because we are interested in all the children it has.) Then, test if this is the last example of the parent . The test is: "is the count of all following elements whose name is the same as parent equal to 0?". We only process the element if it is the last example of its type. (The reason we choose to process the last example instead of the more intuitive first example is that XT does not yet implement the preceding axis.) If there are more of the same element to come, nothing is done now.

If this is the last example of the parent in the sample, create an element declaration. Set the name attribute of this element declaration to be parent , the name of the current input element. Then check if the parent ever contains text directly. Do this by counting the number of times, in the whole sample, the pattern "parent is parent and child is text " is found. If parent ever contains text , define its contents to be #PCDATA mixed with all the children found inside the parent . Otherwise, define its contents to be a repeating choice of all these same children, but without the #PCDATA . So either set the content attribute of the element declaration or set both the order and maxOccurrence attributes. Either way, the contents of this element declaration should be references to all the children that are ever found inside the element being declared.

The third xsl:template does the actual work of tracing down all the children of the parent , wherever they appear in sample input. It is not invoked by a match on the input, but rather by xsl:call-template calling it by its name . Because it is only called once, one might reasonably choose to place this logic inline in the previous xsl:template .

It iterates for-each element whose parent is parent , anywhere in the document. The name of each such element is stored in the child variable. Again, to avoid repetition, only the last example of parent / child relationship triggers an element reference. The ref attribute of the element reference is set to child : the name of the child element.

Differentiate a simple polynomial function.

It's been awhile since I've done this myself, so I'm not sure I'm using the right vocabulary to describe the class of functions I'm trying to differentiate. But an example will illustrate. Sample input and output:

To make this easy on myself, I'll start with a very structured and restrictive DTD that insists on input and output like this:

Here is that input DTD:

    <!ELEMENT function-of-x (term+)>
    <!ELEMENT term          (coeff, x, power)>
    <!ELEMENT coeff         (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT x             EMPTY>
    <!ELEMENT power         (#PCDATA)>

This is the sample input shown above as expressed in this DTD:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>

This is the sample output as expressed in the same DTD:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>


MathML[mathml] this ain't. For the curious, this is MathML:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>

The desired transformation is accomplished with this stylesheet:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>

      <xsl:strip-space elements='*'/>


      <xsl:template match='/function-of-x'>
        <xsl:element name='function-of-x'>
          <xsl:apply-templates select='term'/>

      <xsl:template match='term'>
            <xsl:value-of select='coeff * power'/>
            <xsl:value-of select='power - 1'/>

Here's how it works.

The first xsl:template matches the root element, echos the same function-of-x element to the output, and then turns its attention to each child term .

The second xsl:template matches the term element. It writes out a new term , in which the coeff has the value of the old coeff times the old power , and the power has the value of the old power minus 1 .

Though the output is correct, it would be prettier if the stylesheet noted the power 1 and the coefficient 0 and simplified appropriately.

For me, the exciting thing about this example is the ease with which the coefficient and power of a term can be used in the expressions calculating the new values. Unlike the previous stylesheets, this one reads very much like English.


Some more tricks to try:

I expect that the principal stumbling block with each of these tricks will be the inability to do more than one iteration / go more than set number of levels deep.

Lessons learned:


My original inspiration came before reading Rick Jelliffe's thoughts about using XSL as schema-validation language [xslv] but before reading Francis Norton's follow-on suggestions about using XSLT to build such XSL schema-validators [xsltv]. Reading both spurned me on to actually experiment myself by showing that such tricks are possible. And amusing.


SAXON DTDGenerator: A tool to generate DTDs , Michael Kay ( "DTDGenerator is a program that takes an XML document as input and produces a Document Type Definition (DTD) as output. The aim of the program is to give you a quick start in writing a DTD. The DTD is one of the many possible DTDs to which the input document conforms. Typically you will want to examine the DTD and edit it to describe your intended documents more precisely. The program is issued as an example SAXON application. In fact, however, it exploits very few SAXON features."
Fred: The SGML Grammar Builder , Keith Shafer, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ( "Fred is an ongoing research project at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) studying the manipulation of tagged text. As a service to the community, OCLC has decided to make several portions of Fred freely available via a WWW server. Check Fred's Home Page for pointers to the currently available services. Fred addresses two main problems associated with managing tagged text as seen at OCLC: • tagged document collections with no corresponding DTD, and • arbitrary transformation of tagged text."
Game of Life, John Conway (
W3C's Math Home Page ( Mathematical Markup Language (MathMLTM) 1.01 Specification , editors Patrick Ion and Robert Miner ( Latest version ( "This specification defines the Mathematical Markup Language, or MathML. MathML is an XML application for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. The goal of MathML is to enable mathematics to be served, received, and processed on the Web, just as HTML has enabled this functionality for text."
Dr. Miroslav Nic announced on the XSL-List mailing list ( "At you will find a XSL script, which reads XML file and generates a DTD from it. In the template, there are all tags I have ever used. If I need a new DTD I just add the tags or conditions I do not have in the template, then I will tell in separate XSL file which root tag and which scheme should be used, the parent XSL looks for this tag and then selects only those tags, which are needed. It generates complete DTD, with the premium that tags are alphabetically sorted."
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe game (
Towers of Hanoi puzzle (
Turing Machines, Alan Turning (
Extensible Markup Language (XMLTM) , Dan Connolly ( "This is the home page of the W3C XML Activity, part of the Architecture Domain."
XML 1.0
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0: W3C Recommendation 10-February-1998 , editors Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen ( Latest version ( "The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of SGML that is completely described in this document. Its goal is to enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and HTML."
XML Schema 1
XML Schema Part 1: Structures: W3C Working Draft 24 September 1999, editors David Beech, Scott Lawrence, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn and Henry S. Thompson ( Latest version ( "XML Schema: Structures is part one of a two part draft of the specification for the XML Schema definition language. This document proposes facilities for describing the structure and constraining the contents of XML 1.0 documents. The schema language, which is itself represented in XML 1.0, provides a superset of the capabilities found in XML 1.0 document type definitions (DTDs.)"
XML Schema 2
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes: W3C Working Draft 24 September 1999, editors Paul V. Biron and Ashok Malhotra ( Latest version ( "This document specifies a language for defining datatypes to be used in XML Schemas and, possibly, elsewhere."
XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0: W3C Proposed Recommendation 8 October 1999, editors James Clark and Steve DeRose ( Latest version ( "XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document, designed to be used by both XSLT and XPointer."
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Specification: W3C Working Draft 21 Apr 1999 , editor Stephen Deach ( Latest version ( XSL generally ( "Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is a language for expressing stylesheets. It consists of two parts: a language for transforming XML documents, and an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics."
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Specification Version 1.0: W3C Proposed Recommendation 8 October 1999 , editor James Clark ( Latest version ( "XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents."
XSL as Validator
Using XSL as a Validation Language, Rick Jelliffe, 1999-01-24 ( "XSL can be used as a validation language. An XSL stylesheet can be used as a validation specification. Because XSL uses a tree-pattern-matching approach, it validates documents against fundamentally different criteria than the content model. This paper gives some examples."
XSLT as Validator
Generating XSL for Schema Validation, Francis Norton, 1999-05-20 ( "An XSL stylesheet can be used to generate XSL validators from XML schemas. This document outlines the mechanics of this process and speculates on other uses for this technology."
XT version 19990708, James Clark ( "XT is an implementation in Java of XSL Transformations. This version of XT implements the PR-xslt-19991008 version of XSLT."