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Driving directions.


18 Victor Ave

Victor Avenue two blocks north of Gerrard. 18 Victor is on the north side of the street, eight doors east of Broadview.

Street-level map showing 18 Victor Avenue.


From Broadview Station take any streetcar. All go south. Exit at Langley. Cross to the east side of Broadview and walk one block further south to Victor.

Or... Take the 504 King streetcar or the 505 Dundas streetcar east. Both turn north on Broadview. Exit just after Gerrard at Langley and walk one block back south to Victor.

Or... Take the 506 College car east. Exit at Broadview and walk two blocks north to Victor.

By Car

Follow a streetcar.

There is a Green P lot on the south side of Gerrard just west of Broadview.