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Gallery of Stupid XSL and XSLT Tricks

A Stupid XSL/XSLT Trick is a use of XSL/XSLT for something unusual or amusing for which it wasn't necessarily designed.

Let know about your XSL/XSLT tricks to and they will be put on proud display (or linked to), properly accredited, in this area.

Deborah Pickett

Deborah Pickett was has gone all meta-circular on us and implemented an XSLT processor in XSLT:

Matt GibsonPlot of Lorenz attractor.

Matt Gibson was "inspired to carry on with the madness that recently gripped" him, creating "a version of the Lorenz attractor that renders in the client-side XSLT engines in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and IE6+, using both SVG and VML":

Bob Copeland

Bob Copeland implemented a square root routine in XSLT:

He comments:

It would be interesting though if someone put together a set of stylesheets implementing a standard math library, e.g. including the trig functions via log tables or Taylor series. Because you never know when you'll need to compute an arctan while generating XML documents.

Mike Edwards

Mike Edwards thinks he saw another version of this idea somewhere. I know I've suggested that someone try it. And now here it is:

David Caveney

David Caveney, of OmniSphere, has used XSLT to implement feature-based code generation:

Bob Lyons

Bob Lyons, of Unidex, has proved XSLT capable of computing anything by:

Joel AufgangSierpinsky triangle.

Joel Aufgang, of Agile, has used XSLT to create fractals:

Joel YliluomaMandelbrot set.

And, speaking of fractals, Joel Yliluoma, as part of his brief introduction to HTML, XML and XSLT, has created Mandelbrot sets using XSLT:

Rick Jelliffe

Rick Jelliffe provided one of the inspirations for this gallery:

Francis Norton

Francis Norton used XSLT to generate a validator (expressed in XSLT):

Charlie Halpern-Hamu

The first three are from the paper presented at Markup Technologies '99:

Oliver Becker

These were created by Oliver Becker, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt University Berlin:

Chris Rathman

Chris Rathman explains: "I have been studying a bunch of programming languages of late and have used the Object Oriented Shape example on Jim Weirich's page as a kind of sample problem for a lot of different languages."

Jean-Marc Vanel

Jean-Marc Vanel maintains a collection of useful XSLT transforms, models and reusable fragments under GPL. These have been developed as part of the Worlwide Botanical Knowledge Base project.

Josh Lubell

Josh Lubell, at NIST, is developing an XSLT toolbox. This toolbox currently contains:

Muhammad Athar ParvezCalendar page for May 2001.

Muhammad Athar Parvez, Ruksun Software Tech in Poona, India, has developed a calendar generator: