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XML training, writing DTDs, reading XML Schemas, editing with XMetaL, using XML Authority.

One-day Hands-on Introduction to XML

Feedback for 2001 Feb 13

After a one-day XML course, students were asked for the best and worst aspects of the course.

This was a very small class with only four students. As a result, we were able to adjust on-the-fly to the students needs and interests.

Links to feedback for some other recent courses can be found on the training page.

Best Worst
  • Practice on XML, DTD, Schema.
  • Explanation of white space and child nodes.
  • No bad stuff.
  • Got a clear view of XML.
  • Good presentation.
  • Good exercises.
  • It's convenient if we can get a copy of the presentation.
  • Everything was excellent.
  • Nothing.
  • Hands-on exercises.
  • Air conditioning was really bad ... that's all I can think of.